Monthly Archives: December 2013

Merry Christmas 2013 And Happy New Year 2014!

Merry Christmas 3

Can you believe it’s Christmas Eve 2013? Yes, it is! It’s a time to rejoice and show love for family, loved-ones, and friends. It’s a very special season of gift-giving, and great expectancy when miracles, both big and small, can and often do happen!

Most of all, let us remember the real reason for the season. Christmas is the time to celebrate the birth of Christ, and his timeless message of love, peace, and joy to all the world. (See YouVersion Christmas devotional reading plans.)

Oh, and while you’re enjoying the sights, sounds, and joy of this Holiday Season, don’t forget the less fortunate members of our families and communities. Reach out to them, so they may have a Merry Christmas, too!

Wishing You and Your Family the Very Best this Christmas Holiday Season! And Have A Very Happy, Blessed and Prosperous New Year 2014!

How are you celebrating the Christmas Season?

Have you written out your goals and plans for 2014? It’s not too early to start!

Until next time, remember, you can do all things thru Christ Jesus! Be Blessed, Kenneth Lillard

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