Tag Archives: Apostle Paul

Smart Guide To Self Publishing

One of the most effective ways of sharing the Gospel is via the written word. Many of the Apostles, including Matthew, John and Paul, had very powerful writing ministries. Today, with the advent of the Internet and digital technologies, it is easier than ever to self publish. In fact, if you can use a computer you can publish your own book!  

Self publishing provides the following benefits:

  • Gives authors more control over their work.
  • Digital books and print-on-demand (POD) technology allow authors to self-publish with little or no upfront costs.
  • Books get to the press quicker by avoiding the lengthy publication process involved with traditional publishers.
  • Digital books allow for electronic distribution via the Internet and the potential for reaching a much wider audience.
  • Many print-on-demand firms use digital technology to reduce costs and publish high quality products at economical, fixed prices.
  • E-books providing interactive features (such as audio, video, and connectivity to reading groups) are becoming a big part of today’s self publishing revolution!
  • E-readers like the iPad, Kindle, and Nook are creating an increasing demand for e-books and other digital content, especially Faith Based material.  Btw, have you noticed how many people are now reading digital books, including the Bible, on their cell phones?
  • Finally, you can also self publish other digital media including music, videos, and ringtones!

So how do you get started with self publishing? I definitely recommend you check out the following:

How has self publishing benefited your ministry?

Until next time, remember, you can do all things thru Christ Jesus!

Stay Blessed!

Kenneth Lillard

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Filed under digital, Faith Based Media, information, marketing, ministry tools, social media

New Tools For A New Time

For a number of years, I was fortunate to have worked as  a public administrator.  My work was in the field of workforce development,  helping people to  reach their vocational goals. I was a public servant,  using all the tools available to me to accomplish public missions and goals. Today,  as a minister of the gospel, I work as a servant of the Lord, using all the tools available to me to accomplish ministry goals, and answer to a higher authority. I’m truly blessed to witness the new thing God is doing in my life, as well as in the life of the church.

If the Apostle Paul lived today, would he write his letters to the church on parchment, or would he take advantage of the immediacy and global reach of social media? In my sanctified imagination, I can envision Paul sending out tweets and instant messages from his iPhone or Blackberry on his missionary journeys, as he shared the gospel and helped to build the church.

Social media are tailor-made tools for carrying out the Great Commission (Mark 16:15) of taking the gospel to all the world. Through the use of social media God is doing a new thing (Isaiah 43:19).  We cannot afford to ignore these innovative social tools as we network and share the gospel in the 21st century!

Remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus.

God Bless,

Kenneth Lillard

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Filed under innovation, networking, social media