Monthly Archives: March 2010

A New Thing – Live Worship on Blackberry

Courtesy of Flickr by Edan


Northland, A Church Distributed in Orlando, Florida is beta testing live worship on selected Blackberry smartphones. 

Northland is definitely in the forefront of social media savvy ministries employing Faith Based Media 2.0 (where digital social media meets ministry). BTW, Northland already has an iPhone app, as well as a Facebook app which allows users to view live worship services on the popular social networking site. Pioneering innovative ways to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Digital Age, no question, Northland is a leader in blazing the way! 

Until next time, remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus! 

God Bless, 

Kenneth Lillard 


Filed under blog, christian social media, digital, Faith Based Media, networking, social media, web 2.0

BlogTalk Ministry

You can create your own online radio ministry broadcast at BlogTalkRadio. Launched in August 2006 by Alan Levy, BlogTalkRadio is the audio version of the internet blog. It is one of the newest vehicles of Faith Based Media 2.0, where social media Web 2.0 tools meet ministry.  BlogTalkRadio is a web-based platform which allows users to host a live call-in internet broadcast using a telephone and a computer. The host logs onto a webpage, types in the time when the show will air, and dials into a specified number.  The computer screen displays the phone numbers of guests or listeners calling in. The host can put several callers on the air at once by clicking a mouse.  Shows stream directly from the host page during “live” broadcasts. The shows are then archived as podcasts. Listeners can download a podcast version of the broadcast later. The best thing about BlogTalkRadio is, due to the fact that the service is advertising-supported, there is no cost!

For more information on BlogTalkRadio go to

Until next time, remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus!

God Bless,

Kenneth Lillard


Filed under christian, Faith Based Media, ministry tools, networking, social media, social media marketing

Social Media Conscious Church Launches Facebook App

Northland, A Church Distributed of Orlando, Florida has taken its worship services directly to the 400+ million users of Facebook. “The point of being a Christian is to bear the image and good news of Christ everywhere. We hope this new Facebook app will help” explains Nathan Clark, Northland’s director of digital innovation.

When it comes to churches which are “social media conscious”, Northland is, definitely, one of most advanced Faith Based Media 2.0 ministries in America today. Northland’s Facebook app not only allows users to access live streaming worship services, but also to invite their FB friends to join them. In addition, the previous week’s services are available via the app 24/7.

To try the new app, visit  

But that’s not all. Ultimately, Northland hopes online worshipers will join a real live community with other believers … or start one. To that end, it is providing tools for online worshipers to start “simple churches” in their own homes to possibly complement worship with the larger congregation.

Until next time, remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus!

God Bless,

Kenneth Lillard

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Filed under christian, christian social media, Faith Based Media, innovation, ministry tools, networking, new thing, social media, web 2.0

Social Media and Your Church’s Brand

Did you know people are talking about your church? Yes, people inside and outside your church are on their iPhones, Blackberries, on Facebook, and YouTube. And what exactly are they saying about your ministry? What is the image of your church in the public’s eye? Is it good, bad, or indifferent? Rightly or wrongly, for many, your church’s public image constitutes, to a large extent, its brand. How is that brand being communicated?

Social media employing web 2.0 technologies, definitely, play an increasing role  in exactly how your ministry is perceived and rated. And that perception and rating, in turn, influence how many people respond to your ministry. Facebook now has an interactive  My Church app available free to all its users

The following resources can help to begin this very important branding conversation that every ministry should have:

Center for Church Communication’s Church Marketing Directory

Arvell Craig’s

Church Marketing 101, Richard Reising

Until next time, remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus.

God Bless,

Kenneth Lillard

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Filed under christian, Faith Based Media, marketing, ministry tools, social media, social media marketing, web 2.0

Expanding Your Church’s Social Network

Jesus did not isolate himself from people. In fact, he was very social, very connected to people. Every church is a social network engaged in practicing and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, podcasts, etc.) provides channels which connect people. The question is whether your church/ministry will expand its social network beyond its walls to connect with the ever-increasing number of people (both inside and outside the church) who are attaching themselves to these social media channels. 

Virtually every church/ministry (in the developed, and many developing countries) can use the tools of social media, in some way, to reach the unchurched. In addition, social media can serve as an easy hub of communications to stay connected with members and ministries. Social media provides a tailor-made vehicle to carry forth the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18 – 20) . Can your ministry afford not to be connected to social media?

Social media can, most definitely, serve as an effective catalyst to expand your church’s social network!

Until next time, remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus!

God Bless,

Kenneth Lillard

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Filed under blog, christian, ministry tools, networking, social media

A New Thing – The Church App

There is now an iPhone app available to your church from Subsplash. This amazing app allows you access to your church’s worship music, live streaming video, church blogs, online giving, and social media sharing. One ministry currently employing this new church app is Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in California Check out this overview of the Church App and let me know what you think!

Until next time, remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus!

God Bless

Kenneth Lillard

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Filed under blog, christian, christian social media, Faith Based Media, innovation, social media, web 2.0, what's new

Preacher As Hologram?

Hologram [ˈhɒləˌgræm] n (Physics / General Physics) a photographic record produced by illuminating the object with coherent light (as from a laser) and, without using lenses, exposing a film to light reflected from this object and to a direct beam of coherent light. When interference patterns on the film are illuminated by the coherent light a three-dimensional image is produced.

Imagine sitting in a service, the praise and worship teams ministers fantastically, and then the preacher appears in the pulpit and delivers the sermon as a hologram. Sounds farfetched? Not according to a recent article in the  Christian Post. Technology currently exists which allows 3-D holographic images of individuals to be projected into various locations. So, say there is a church in several locations, it may soon be possible for the preacher to appear live in one pulpit, and as a hologram at another location. Would the church be going too far to take this technological leap ? Some churches are already exploring the possibilities! Read the following articles and let me know what you think!

Remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus.

God Bless,

Kenneth Lillard

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Filed under digital, Faith Based Media, innovation

A New Thing – YouVersion

Ever found yourself in a situation where you forgot your Bible?  Now, you can have the Bible right at your fingertips. YouVersion has developed an app for your mobile device which allows you to access the Word in 41 different translations and 22 languages. Over 4 million YouVersion users have spent over one billion minutes reading the Bible on their smart phones and other mobile devices. If you haven’t already, check out YouVersion and let me know what you think! Following are links to their website and blog: , BTW, one of the most amazing things about this great app is that it’s free!

Until next time, remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus!

God Bless

Kenneth Lillard

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Filed under bible study, blog, digital, web 2.0

Heads Up!

Here’s my headsup for today. Stay on top of all things regarding ministry, technology, and social media at Alltop Church  This is one of the places I go to get news of the latest, cutting edge, digital developments that relate to ministry work.  You’re sure to find something creative, innovative, or motivative for your ministry there!

Remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus.

God Bless

Kenneth Lillard

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Filed under blog, Faith Based Media, information, innovation, motivation, web 2.0

Digital Church Sunday – A Story

Woke up early Sunday morning. The sun was shining golden on the newly fallen snow. Decided to accept an invitation to visit a highly recommended new church. From my smart mobile phone I accessed the church’s website.  Got service times. 10:00 AM: that’s my service. Googled directions. Arrived, no prob. Friendly greeting at the door. Music ministry was incredible. Followed scripture reading, Luke 24:13-27, on my smart phone Bible app YouVersion .  Great message delivered with passion and conviction by Priscilla Shirer, Tony Evan’s daughter “Don’t Miss Jesus“.  Took notes on phone’s memo app. Grabbed additional commentary on Bible Gateway .  Exchanged greetings with congregants after the service. While digital tools enhanced my worship experience today, the true enhancer of the experience was none other than Jesus, himself! And my fellow congregants.  No question. Tonight, moonlight dances on the snow.  Myron Butler kicks “Stronger” on the gospel radio app.  I’ve just composed  an appreciation email to today’s preacher. Send!

Remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus!

God Bless

Kenneth Lillard

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Filed under digital, Faith Based Media, innovation